Bible Classes for all ages
meet at the following times:
Sunday Mornings at 10:15am Wednesday Evening at 6:30pm
Spring Quarter Bible Classes
Join us for one of our Spring Bible classes
Sundays at 10:15am and
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Click Here for a list of classes​​
Topical Bible Studies
View our variety of Topical Studies
Take advantage of video Bible Studies
on a variety of topics and subjects
Click Here for Topical Bible Studies
Super Seniors Class Videos
The Wednesday morning 10:00am
Super Seniors classes are being
recorded and posted here for viewing.
View Video Study on Noah's Ark
Take advantage of video Bible Studies
on different topics and subjects
CLICK HERE to view Noah's Ark video
Free Home Bible Studies
You can study the Bible at your convenience in your own home completely free.
To access the page with instructions concerning the different options for the Home Bible study lessons.
Come, Let Us Reason Together
Join Rusty and Pat for video-based, conversational-style discussions of some Biblical texts, spiritual topics, or current events in light of Scripture.