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Chalco, Mexico

Jaime Mendoza


Trusting in God's guidance, our congregation began on Sept. 21, 2003, and we met in our home. At first it was just my wife Diana, 2-year old Isai, and a couple with a one-year old baby. The congregation at Villada, where I was baptized, donated 6 stools to us, and Ecatepec donated our songbooks and Lord Supper cups.

We were very content using the tools God gave us, but we were still missing one thing-people. So we began to evangelize by door knocking, but it was not very easy. For about a month we didn't have even one study nor one visitor. There were moments of discouragement, but our Lord always strengthened us through His children. Brother Josue, preacher of the church in Villada, with some other brothers, helped us evangelize on the weekends, and one Sunday the whole congregation arrived by bus and we had a worship service together on our patio. It seemed to motivate everyone to see many other Christians there and on that occasion we had 2 visitors, one of which was baptized after a Bible study where we presented the plan of salvation. Soon we had two teenage contacts and after studying with them, they were baptized as well. Glory to God the number of Christians we had increased.

In the month of December, brothers Bob Layne, Jerry C, and Mark Jones visited us, and we had 7 of our members as well as 5 visitors in attendance at this meeting. Their visit and their lessons encouraged us a lot and this was a gift from Christ's continual and beautiful protection of us.

We can testify that we have always seen the power of God in this congregation. Almost always we had other Christians visiting us to give us strength to continue on, like sister Martha Ferguson, Gary and his wife, brethren from other areas of Mexico, and others that came for the summer medical campaign in 2007.

The visit from brother Curtis Hill helped us to be able to buy our land that was purchased soon after. Thanks be to God that we were able to accomplish this through the financial support of the church of Memorial Parkway in Alabama.

Our blessings continued through the first phase of construction and on Dec. 7, 2008, we were able to begin meeting in the new church building. For this occasion, Curtis Hill and translator Mark Jones came for the inauguration and the prayer service.

We couldn't have done any of this without the help of other Christians who came to help with the demolition and the new construction. We were so appreciative of this and we admire their efforts to help us because of their great love for the Lord and His work. They did some really hard work, worked under a burning sun, lifting lots of heavy things, and all of this really encouraged us to continue in our work in the church. Thanks to all who came also for the medical campaign in the summer of 2009.

We are a very blessed congregation, much thanks to our brothers and sisters who have helped us in the work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We love our Lord very much!

We are in front of streets Juan and San Jose behind the elementary school Vaco de Quiroga.

Worship service on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Bible Class and Prayer Service
       Tuesdays 7:30 p.m.
       Thursdays 5:00 p.m.



9:00 A.M. Worship

10:15 A.M. Bible Classes

5:00 P.M. Worship 


6:30 P.M. Bible Study - Adult & Youth

                                       Bible Classes


1640 Winchester Rd. N.E.

Huntsville, AL 35811



(256) 852-3801

Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-3:00 PM

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